Men’s ACTS

Upcoming ACTS Retreats

November 7th - 10th, 2024

Jesus then said to the twelve "Do you also want to leave?" Simon Peter answered him, "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."
- John 6:67-68

The retreat will take place at Camp Copass Retreat Center on Lewisville Lake in Denton. Refresh your spiritual life, refocus your priorates and strengthen your ties to the St. Patrick Community.


What is ACTS?

Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Christian faith are the guides for the retreat weekend. Personal spiritual direction will be available throughout the retreat. During this retreat, you will be given the opportunity to reflect upon and deepen your faith relationship with our Lord as you form new and deeper relationships with other men of your community.


Our ACTS Community

The purpose of an ACTS retreat is to provide opportunities for each retreatant to form a deeper relationship with our Lord through adoration and daily prayer; through community with others; through theology by the study of our Christian faith; and through service to our family, our Church, and each other.